Saturday, 11 June 2016

Talking to people is way more easy in our imagination...

                                                          We talk a lot in our imagination...Be it an introvert person or any person.Even we react to imaginary situations in our head..we plan to talk and react in a particular way but sometimes it's so different in the real life situation.May be because people act and react in a different manner in our head.Even for an introvert person it's easy to talk in utopia.We are in our imaginary comfort zone in our imaginations and when that veil is unveiled by the real life it shocks us or surprises us.Even when we face a hard situation in our head it ends up being easy for us or say,less hard.Imagine...imagination is a part of our life or technically a part of us.It's beautiful and at times, it shows us a way which we can not see but do not live in your imagination.Let the imagination be a part of you but do not let yourself be a part of it...
p.s-don't let imagination overpower your vision

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