I was never the FEMINIST type,neither i am saying that i am.But you know! SEEING THINGS CHANGES THE WAY YOU SEE THINGS.It's a shame that even in 21st century we live in a patriarchal society.Even in this age women are suffering from the TYPICAL SUPERIOR MALE EGO.Now days we see that a lot of women are fighting back and rising up against domestic violence,martial rape and all such things.But sometimes women don't suffer from a visible dominance but from an invinsible I KNOW IT ALL egoistic nature. Her walls are cracked but still she is keeping her foundation strong enduring all the hammering. She is being like this not because she can not protest but because if she will let her thoughts speak out loud then the entire building will be destroyed.Her whole world that she created enduring all the pain and drying all the tears will be shattered into pieces...Because now it's not only about her, but also about her creations.Because she doesn't want the balance which she have maintained for ages to be polluted.Because after all these ages she doesn't want to break the peace or the outer protection that sometimes exists inspite of the cracked walls.She is not the one who needs sympathy or the feminist view or some inspiring story because inside may be she is hopeless but outside she is an EPITOME OF HOPE, OF SELF INDEPENDENCE, OF MAKING THE DIFFERENCE.She contributes to the society. She does whatever she can do for her people, for her literature, family and everything and everybody.She may not be the ALWAYS BEING SWEET KIND...But she is the TRUEST KIND.Yeah!! She lies...she complains but at the end she GIVES.She is the one who needs bit of support, bit of love, bit of care.Actually she doesn't need...SHE DESERVES as she has been having what she doesn't deserve and most importantly what she deserves is a lot of RESPECT.
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