Saturday, 24 October 2015


                In our lives we come across a lot of moments...some good moments some bad moments...some damn good and some damn bad..but the good yet bad thing is that moment will pass away.Isn't life all about creating and preserving memories?? We see some people everyday and suddenly we don't...that's not a very good feeling but that will pass away someday,somewhere we may see that person by the course of time.And we even come across a lot of nice moments...awesome moments but the worst part is that too will pass away...i won't say live every moment cause we all do that as we are not dead but i will say that try to make the BEST of each moment..because every moment that we come across won't come again ever forever.Sometimes we are terrified to say something or to do something but that only means-we have to regret.Doing or saying things is much much better than regretting.So do it,say it because THIS TOO SHALL PASS

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