Thursday, 19 October 2017


People come and go..a very few of them stay in your thoughts. Expectations, failures, dreams, dissatisfactions..they just form half of your world, rest is YOU, Just you nothing else. YOU, inside the hollow body with nothing but an open sky, air and this so minimized but vast earth. You may run, you can pretend or you can do both, even if you don't, you feel the lack of them. But when you know that you deserve better, there is no stopping you. But with everything moving around so fast don't forget to feed the YOU that's inside the hollowness. Chase the stars, watch your steps and this heterogeneous society you may find yourself talking to people or you may not but let them not decide the parameters of your personality. Just because you are not good at talking to them doesn't mean you are good for nothing.. it's Ok if you don't show how you value them..those, who want to know you, will eventually know you.. Don't curse yourself, don't transgress yourself, don't stop breathing..